Redcotec LLP
Flow Meter Hire
For flow meter hire choose Redcotec.
We offer ultrasonic meters from Katronic, the leading UK manufacturer.
Portable with clamp-on sensors.
Quick to install.
Pre-configured for your application.
Option for temperature sensors to enable heat measurement.
Available from £250 per week.

Katronic 230 Ultrasonic Flow Meter
The Katflow 230 is a portable, battery operated ultrasonic flow meter using clamp-on sensors for the measurement of liquids in full, enclosed pipes. The sensors are attached to the outside of the pipe allowing flow measurements to be taken without interference with the flow in the pipe or need to stop the process.
The internal data logger is capable of logging in excess of 100,000 measurements over 10 user selected parameters.
The Katflow 230 is supplied with flow sensors suitable for use on pipes of between 22mm and 250mm diameter. It will measure the flow of almost any liquid in a full pipe with less than 10% gaseous or solid content.
The meter is quick and easy to install, allowing multiple measurements to be taken in a short period of time. All measured parameters are readily available in a range of SI or Imperial units.
By using the optional temperature sensors the temperature difference at any two points either side of the meter can be detected. In this arrangement the meter will act as a heat energy meter.
The applications for ultrasonic flowmeters are almost endless. Just a few examples are shown below.
Water ..................................
Food and beverage ................
Energy generation .................
Industry and manufacturing ...
Building services ...................
Water consumption, waste water monitoring, pump testing.
Cleaning in place, validation of permanent flow meters.
Cooling and feed water flow, CHP monitoring.
Hydraulic systems, chemical process monitoring.
Commissioning tests, HVAC systems investigation and monitoring.