Redcotec LLP
Why Use Redcotec?
Redcotec LLP was formed in 2010 by people with an engineering background who already had experience of renewable energy technologies. In the world of renewable energy this makes us one of the longest standing consultancies in the UK. Since our beginnings we have been involved in the design and installation of dozens of projects. We are proud of our achievements and like to think that in every case our advice has led to the best and most appropriate technology, properly sized and installed to maximise reliability and optimise the financial return for our client.
Our experience and expertise is not simply desk-based or limited to a single technology.
We have acted as project managers and client's engineers accumulating practical as well as theoretical knowledge and building up a wide range of contacts amongst installation companies and specialist engineers.
By using Redcotec you will be making sure that you:
Obtain a bespoke engineering consultancy service that meets your needs.
Select the best renewable technology to fulfil your aims.
Benefit from our expertise and long standing experience.
Guard against installation companies promoting their own technology which may not be suitable for your application.
Minimise capital cost by installing a properly sized system.
Maximise your return on investment.
Obtain the optimum design and specification for use in your tendering process.
Make sure the new technology is well integrated into existing building services.
Build a reliable system
Take the opportunity to improve the building environment